Welcome to the 22nd Congress in Madrid, Spain!
This is the first congress EHA is organizing in Madrid and the EHA is excited to welcome you to Spain again. The congress center IFEMA is located conveniently between the city and Barajas airport and will be an excellent host for the extensive program of science, education, and research in hematology.
As the premier hematology congress in Europe EHA is going to offer you a congress program covering every subspecialty in hematology and the opportunity to network with experts from all over the globe.
The educational and scientific program will highlight state-of-the art clinical practice, the latest findings in hematology research and many more interesting sessions. The congress also provides you with the opportunity to attend satellite programs, Updates-in-Hematology and to visit the exhibition organized by pharmaceutical companies.
Congress objectives
The EHA Annual Congress provides a forum for presenting original unpublished data and sharing ideas for hematological innovation as well as disseminating evidence-based knowledge of primary clinical relevance.
Hematologists and affiliated professionals attending the EHA Congress will be able to:
- Enhance their knowledge of evidence-based approaches on diagnosis and treatment for hematologic diseases.
- Access the latest results on clinical and translational research in hematologic disorders.
- Be updated on emerging innovative techniques, diagnostic tools and risk-assessment strategies in hematology and its subspecialties.
- Communicate, collaborate and network with representatives of a large international audience – medical professionals, national hematology societies, patient groups, medical industry and the media.